Yes, the strong South China Xianmen from the Eastern Emperor Mainland turned out to be Qing Xuan!

Now, the monks of South China Xianmen agree that Qing Xuan is the first master of South China Xianmen, and his strength is a little stronger than that of the head Qing Pingzi.
As for why Qing Xuan is stronger than Qing Hirako, it is not that they have tried, but that everyone speculates.
Before Qingpingzi took the position of head, his strength was much worse than that of the first master of Zongmen at that time. At that time, Qingxuan’s strength was only a little worse than that of Qingliu, so everyone thought that Qingpingzi’s strength must be stronger than Qingpingzi’s, but it was also very limited. After all, Qingpingzi had been at the peak of the late Xiandi for many years.
Qing Xuan also lived directly in the castellan’s mansion, and she lived next door to Xiao Lingyu, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
According to the rules, Xiao Lingyu was introduced as a teacher younger brother, so he should greet Qing Xuan first, but he was not a well-behaved person and didn’t go to the next room to have a look.
He didn’t have any different opinions about Qing Xuan, but first he offended others because of selling sand crystals in South China Baoge, and then he refused the invitation of others. Xiao Lingyu didn’t know how to face this woman with terrible strength and straight temper.
However, what Xiao Lingyu didn’t expect was that Qing Xuan didn’t come here for two days, but she came to him on her own initiative.
"Brother Xiao has been coming to the mainland of the tomb of God for some days. Should he have a good life?"
After Qing Xuan took the door, she sat down casually and opened the box calmly.
"The younger brother is a man of his own, and he doesn’t like to cause trouble. Naturally, there is no trouble." Xiao Lingyu pointed to the tunnel.
"Ha ha, teacher younger brother is don’t like seeing things, but sometimes things will take the initiative to find you. For example, this time there was an accident in the mainland of the tomb of God. We in Nanhua Xianmen didn’t mean to provoke them to Fenglongzong, but they secretly attacked and killed our disciples in Nanhua Xianmen. " Qing Xuan smiled and said.
Don’t say, Qing Xuan is a beauty in Leng Yan. She seldom smiles in front of outsiders. Even if she smiles, she is also a perfunctory smile. But the smile at this time is very kind, which makes her more beautiful and moving.
Qing Xuan laughed, not because she regarded Xiao Lingyu as one of her own, but because she thought Xiao Lingyu’s perfunctory actions of the three factions were really interesting.
Qing Xuan has been in Xianmen of South China for many years. She has never seen any newly-introduced emperor-level monk refuse the invitation of the three factions, because everyone knows that you can’t be immune to it in Xianmen of South China.
"What does Zongmen mean about this matter?" Xiao Lingyu asked.
"Strong repression." Qing Xuan primly replied.
Hearing this, Xiao Lingyu frowned and said, "This is a big matter. Fenglongzong is not a petty faction. If two cases really fight …"
Before Xiao Lingyu could finish, Qing Xuan took over the conversation and said, "I think the younger brother is also a courageous person. Why can’t we figure it out? It is precisely because Fenglongzong thinks that we dare not attack them easily that they dare to be so reckless. We must have a spirit that is more fearless than them, so that they can be afraid, mainly convinced and restrained."
"Elder martial sister also thinks that this matter was done by Fenglongzong?" Xiao Lingyu asked again.
"It’s not that I think so, but that’s what my younger brother said when he sent a letter back. My younger brother has been investigating here for a long time and has mastered so much evidence. Is there any doubt about this?" Qing Xuan looked at Xiao Lingyu and asked.
Xiao Lingyu thought about it and felt that there was no need to explain too much. This matter had little to do with himself, and he couldn’t explain it clearly. He just asked, "How is Zongmen going to suppress it forcefully?"
Qing Xuan said, "Of course, all the experts who sent them to the mainland of the tomb of God were disabled. Otherwise, what else can we do?"
Xiao Lingyu frown even tighter, because he is, after all, a master of emperor level in Zongmen, and he is on the mainland of Shenmu. If Xianmenzhen and Fenglongzong in South China have a large-scale conflict on the mainland of Shenmu, they will inevitably be involved.
After pondering for a moment, Xiao Lingyu seemed to have his meaning and said, "It seems that the teacher elder sister also wants to expand the situation!"
Qing Xuan is also a meaningful tunnel: "Younger brother also needs to be prepared early, so it is good to make a decision early!"
After Qing Xuan left, Jing Xian came again.
"Master Zun also sent a message to let Uncle Shi be careful in everything, saying that not only the mainland of the tomb of God, but also the whole South China Xianmen will have great events in the near future." Net salty face dignified tunnel.
"I see." Xiao Lingyu responded indifferently, his expression did not move too much, because he had expected it from Qingpingzi.
"In fact, Master Zun is not in favor of a strong counterattack against Fenglongzong, but most of the strong clans think it is time to start work, and Uncle Qing Xuan came at his own request. It seems that they will make a big mess by this incident." Net salty added.
"Did Brother Zhang say anything else?" Xiao Lingyu asked.
"Also, please Uncle Shi … Don’t hesitate." Jing Xian said bluntly.
Chapter 484 About BiGuang Lake
? Chapter 484 About BiGuang Lake
"Elder martial sister also thinks that this matter was done by Fenglongzong?" Xiao Lingyu asked again.
"It’s not that I think so, but that’s what my younger brother said when he sent a letter back. My younger brother has been investigating here for a long time and has mastered so much evidence. Is there any doubt about this?" Qing Xuan looked at Xiao Lingyu and asked.
Xiao Lingyu thought …
Chapter 485 Who calculated who
? Chapter 485 Who calculated who
These days, he has been meditating in his room and has little contact with people, so many things are unclear.
"Ha ha, that depends on how to say it. If we fight against the Hong Long Sect, there are plenty of manpower, but if we want to wipe out all the people from the Hong Long Sect, it is absolutely not enough." Qing xuan strange smile …
Chapter 486 is not a request is a command 1